
We strive to create a world where children are free from sexual harm.

Our Mission

Hidden Water is a restorative justice response to the impact of child sexual abuse.

We are a community that supports and upholds the dignity of all who have been impacted by sexual abuse of young people: those who were harmed, those who have caused harm and are working to take responsibility, and those who love either or both.

In Circle, we work to heal individuals, families, and communities from the devastating impacts of child sexual abuse. We strive to prevent future harm by educating others, inspiring collective responsibility, and cultivating a culture of healthy boundaries for all.

Introducing The Hidden Water Podcast

Welcome to the Hidden Water Podcast Series. In Episode 1, Josh Wilcox interviews Founder and Executive Director Elizabeth Clemants about the origin story, the foundational philosophies and evolving structures of Hidden Water.

To listen to the rest of the Hidden Water Podcast Series, become a Hidden Water Member and gain access to the Member Resource Page with more in-depth content.

Our Circles

Our model is based on the indigenous practice of Circle and founded on the belief that abuse harms all members of a family, community and society, not just the persons directly impacted.

Green Circle icon
I was harmed sexually as a child or young person (under the age of 25)
Green Circles
Purple Circle icon
I harmed a young person sexually (regardless of my own age at the time)
Purple Circles
Orange Circle icon
My child was either harmed sexually, harmed a young person, or both
Orange Circles
Blue Circle icon
I feel impacted by the sexual harm to or caused by someone I love or both
Blue Circles
Rows of tiny colored watercolor marks

Upcoming Events

Five generations,
steeping like tea,
the tendrils of steam rising from each wounded leaf
in a bottomless cup of sorrow and pain.

But something in that last sip burns the tongue.
Grief blisters and insists: heal this harm.
And so we do,
lifting truth,
brewing grace from hidden water.

By Leaf Seligman